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AirCon Logistics Servics

Air freightAir freight
Air freight(Import and Export) Aircon Logistics Pvt. Ltd, with the year of experience is offering the timed Defined services by choosing the preferred Carriers. We are dedicated to promises to all

Sea FreightSea Freight
Sea Freight Thanks to our extensive experience we offer more services, better rates, handling with the most recognized shipping companies worldwide and with our wide network of agents around the

Custom BrokerageCustom Brokerage
Custom Brokerage Customs Brokerage is the key to smooth execution of imports & exports. Our experts know that Indian custom procedures are complicated, require various documentations and consequence of non-compliance

WAREHOUSING & DISTRIBUTION Aircon Logistics warehousing and distribution facilities allow you to implement selling strategies and volume controls throughout China /Far east /European countries. Inventory controls are available electronically, giving

RAIL – ROAD TRANSPORTATION Aircon Logistics Private Ltd operates an extensive fleet of trucks/trailers to enable us to meet the increasing demand of the Indian market. The structure of our